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TERBARU! Ucapan Selamat Nyepi 2023 Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Penuh Makna

Wartapagi.id -- Kali ini wartapagi.id akan membagikan tentang "TERBARU! Ucapan Selamat Nyepi 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Penuh Makna". Ucapan selamat Nyepi dalam bahasa Inggris yang penuh makna ini, telah dirangkum oleh www.suara.com lewat artikel wartapagi.id. Semoga Anda semua sebagai pembaca setia, dapat mendukung artikel ini ya, agar supaya artikel ini dapat berkembang lebih baik lagi. Baca juga : TERBARU! 30 Kata-Kata Penyemangat Ucapan Selamat Pagi Keren 2023.

Langsung aja kalau begitu tanpa basa-basi dan berlama-lama lagi, dipersilahkan Anda bisa membacanya dibawah ini yaitu "TERBARU! Ucapan Selamat Nyepi 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Penuh Makna" yang juga bisa dijadikan sebagai referensi untuk Anda atau dibagikan kepada sahabat dan saudara yang merayakannya, yaitu :
  1. In a lonely silence, we can find our identity to be able to move better in the course of our lives forward happy day Nyepi.
  2. Happy Nyepi Day 2023. On this Saka New Year 1945, let's start a new chapter in life.
  3. Happy Nyepi Day 2023. I hope this day will be a start to a more peaceful and meaningful life.
  4. There's a light in silent, there's God in silent. Lets find peace and harmony in this Nyepi celebration. Happy Caka New Year 1945.
  5. Control our desire and control our emotion. Let's do positive thing through this Catur Brata Penyepian. Happy Caka New Year 1945.
  6. Happy Saka New Year 1945! Let’s make this a better year for self-reflection and self-development!
  7. In silence you can find the meaning of life, in solitude you do feel the presence of God with people who always remember the creator of the mercy of Nyepi celebration.
  8. Happy Caka New Year 1945. Hope this day can be a new start for a more peaceful and meaningful life.
  9. Let us purify all the bad things in ourself, in this universe. Happy Silent Day 1945. I wish everyone has happines and live in peace.
  10. Nyepi means back to zero, away from crowd, free from anger and jealousy. The glorious rays of the Supreme, Chess Brata Loneliness. Happy silence Day 1945.
  11. Nyepi is a holy day, so we may remain strong in carrying out Chess Brata Nyepi and always healthy.
  12. Happy Caka New Year 1945. Hopefully, our introspection and retrospection will bring us to the better future.
  13. Happy Silence Day 1945 to those who celebrate this Day! Hope we can get through this life peacefully and hope for a better tomorrow!
  14. Happy Nyepi Day 2023, The Caka New Year 1945 for Hindus who carry it out. May we always be in the protection of God.
  15. In this lonely silence day, i hope we can find identity to be better person. Happy Silence Day of Nyepi, and God bless you and also your family.
  16. In the silence you can find the meaning of life. Happy Nyepi Day 2023 for all Hindus brother and sister.
  17. Happy Nyepi Day 2023, Saka New Year 1945 for Hindus brother and sister who carried it out. May we always in the protection of God.
  18. No words, no work, no coals and no party, everything remains silent in a single day to start the new beginning. Happy Caka New Year 1945 for all our beloved Hindu family.
  19. Shed the anger, resentment, and any other bad traits. Build optimism and spirit. Happy Nyepi Day 2023, and Saka New Year 1945.
  20. Happy Holy Day Nyepi for all Hindus family, may self-reflection restore a clean and holy spirit, to peace of mind.
  21. Its awakening makes us all new and renewed, Happy Holy Day of Nyepi for all Hindus family.
  22. Happy Nyepi Day 2023! Hope this sacred year can bring a lot of happiness to our lives!
  23. Nyepi Day is a holy day, may we remain (steadfast) in carrying out Catur Brata Nyepi and Keep healthy always.
  24. Happy Holy Day of Nyepi. May ‘Catur Brata’ Penyepian give you peace and harmony in life.
  25. No word, no burn. The rushing of holy water flows through the heart. Happy Caka New Year 1945. Peace on earth, happy in the sky.

Akhir Kata

Artikel dari wartapagi.id ini tentang "TERBARU! Ucapan Selamat Nyepi 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Penuh Makna", sekian dulu ya. Semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi Anda semua yang membutuhkannya ya. Akhir kata wartapagi.id mengucapkan tetap semangat, salam sehat dan sukses selalu buat Anda. Baca juga : TERBARU! 30 Kata-Kata Bijak Islami Penyejuk Hati 2023.

Sumber : www.suara.com

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